for focus, sequence, order
"Deon, get back to your project!" you demand for the fourth time. He's working with his new Tinker Toys, but he just doesn't finish anything he starts.

Keeping kids 'on task' can be frustrating, whether at home or at school. Equally challenging is helping kids do their projects in an orderly way.
The little question, "What's next?" can be very helpful in both cases. While medical complications sometimes affect a child's ability to concentrate, this little phrase can be really helpful to almost all children. Here's how it works.
For focusing and staying 'on task':
As Deon pulls out his new Tinker Toy set and puts the first two pieces together, you help him anticipate the next move with the simple question, "What's next?"
As he continues, you again ask, "What's next?" You keep an eye on him and when his attention begins to wander, you ask the same question again. Gradually, he gets the idea and continues on his own until he is finished with his project.
For helping a child learn order and sequence:
Deon is a little older now and wants to build a Tinker Toy truck following a picture that came with the set.
For starters, you help him focus on one step at a time. As he completes the first step, you help him focus on the next step by asking, "Okay, what's next?" You then repeat the question as needed.

You can apply this little exercise to many common tasks - getting dressed, eating, household chores, doing puzzles, homework, planning the day, etc.
So, what's going on here and what does this have to do with discipline?
- First, your child will be learning to constantly look ahead to the next step in his activity.
- Second, he is learning to stay with his work until it is completed.
- Third, he is being guided with questions, which encourage both mental & emotional development.
- Finally, this whole exercise is about setting and working within limits, which is the essence of discipline.
Have a great day. By the way, "What's next?"