
It’s so embarrassing! You’re at a nice luncheon with some friends, and what happens? Your three-year-old goes berserk. First, she screams about her high chair, then complains about her drink, and finishes by scratching her brother’s face. She seems determined to upset you.
What to do? Simply, “reboot”!
It’s an idea that comes from the computer world. You know the drill: your computer refuses to cooperate – wrong answers, freeze-ups, dead keys. You call technical assistance and they ask, “Have you rebooted the computer?”
So, you reboot and, like magic, everything works.
That same procedure often works with children…with identical success. Here’s how.

- When your child starts into some activity in an inappropriate way, you quickly, but quietly, excuse yourself and your child with, “Please excuse us. We need to reboot!”
- Then, you calmly take your child by the hand and go outside (or to an appropriate secluded spot) and say, “We need to start over. We can go back when you’re ready to sit quietly (or be courteous, gentle, etc.).”
- Now, with no more words or interaction, you quietly wait for her to settle down. When the child is settled, you ask, “Are you ready to use fine-young-lady behavior?” (or some other positive question).
- Chances are, your child will say, “I’m ready.” Before you accept her answer at face value, however, be sure to ask, “What are you going to do when we go back to the table?” In this case, you are looking for “sit quietly at the table”, or something similar.
- Then, you will respond with, “That’s a great idea, honey. Will you please show me how that works?”
You may be amazed to see your child run to her chair, drink her juice without complaint, and gently stroke her brother – all without further coaching from you.
What’s the magic? A simple “reboot”. She knew what to do. She just needed some help getting in touch with her conscience.
It’s amazing how well it works. Try the “reboot” drill. Chances are, it will work better than you ever imagined.