...featuring the family ‘sync’ session
It’s 6:30 AM. At breakfast are children, ages 3, 5, 7 & 9 in various stages of readiness for the day, with Mom and Dad eager to get the day started.
Why a family meeting at this unlikely hour? Three things: food, inspiration & ‘syncing’ –essentials in the development of wholesome, productive children. It’s a formula we used nearly every day until our children left home.
- Is it easy? No, but it’s better than the energy-crushing alternative.
- Is it practical? Yes, as long as you follow it consistently.
- Is it worth the effort? Absolutely!
So, why this exercise when it’s probably contrary to your child’s nature? In a word, the reason is ‘order’ because orderly minds are more successful than haphazard, undisciplined minds.
Here’s the point. In its natural state, life is chaotic. It is up to us to help our children order life so that time and events serve them rather than allowing them to be the servants of time and circumstance.
- It’s about giving the body quality nourishment that leads to a head start for the day. For us it was hot cereal on weekdays and cold cereal on weekends.
- It’s about serving a 10-minute dose of inspiration to the soul to help it rise above the trying circumstances of life. In our case, all six of us took turns providing inspirational material.
- It’s about meeting the day with an orderly mindset that impacts the rest of the day. For us it was daily coordination (on paper) of all the activities for the day.
Can your imagine the long-term results of such a routine? Your children may resist from time to time and will still make the mistakes of childhood. However, they will most certainly come up with stronger bodies, brighter minds and more ordered lifestyles than they would without these disciplines.
How successful is this plan? At the risk of sounding boastful, our children are now leading disciplined, productive lives that link back to their early training.
The same results are there for you. Put time on your side and start today. Soon you will say; “Wow. I should have started this sooner!”